The CAFE TA Center

Here's what's happening!

A Focus on Labels

Labels are a part of life. They allow us to organize the world and understand our experience in basic ways. Unfortunately, for people with mental health needs, the human mind’s tendency to sort information and make decisions based on labels can present a real problem. The labels attached to them too often promote stigma, and make it easy for society to pigeon-hole and dismiss them. The CAFE TA Center’s latest Focus newsletter, Labeling examines the problems that come with labels, the important distinction between a label and a diagnosis, and ways in which people can empower themselves to move beyond …

Re-Organizing the Organization

The CAFE TA Center is pleased to present its newest online training,  Re-Organizing the Organization. Many organizations start out with a strong mission, a core of committed leaders, and genuine enthusiasm for making a tangible difference in the lives of the people it serves. It can be a real challenge to get an organization up and running, but once the vision begins to become a reality, things can settle into a positive rhythm of sustainability, ongoing positive work and professional management that sets the scene for long-term success. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work! In reality, many organizations …

What Does Supported Education Look Like?

When it initially emerged in the 1990’s, the concept of supported education was heralded as a promising practice that could help people with psychiatric disabilities return to school by providing the right support. Two decades later, the idea of supported education continues to grow in popularity, and many colleges and universities have entire programs tasked with helping their students with mental health needs to flourish on campus. That’s progress, but in day-to-day practice, it can still be hard to locate and recognize supported education. Some programs offer a significant array of supports and accommodations, but don’t use the term “supported …

About The CAFE TA Center

The CAFÉ TA Center is a program of The Family Café, a cross-disability organization that has been connecting individuals with information, training and resources since 1998. The Center is supported by SAMHSA to operate one of its five national technical assistance centers; providing technical assistance, training, and resources that facilitate the restructuring of the mental health system through effective consumer directed approaches for adults with serious mental illnesses across the country.

We Exist to Help You

The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to providing quality training to consumers and advocates throughout the country. Consumers in the community need the right knowledge and tools to effectively organize, speak for themselves, and thrive in their daily lives. Thanks to the technology available, it has become relatively easy to connect with consumers and advocates and share resources without having to ask people to interrupt their daily routines by traveling to attend training.

Check Our Resource Bank

The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to connecting consumers, advocates and organizations with information and resources that can make a real difference for them, regardless of where they come from. That’s why we have created this section, to house those resources that partners, experts, peers and advocates and developed and chosen to share with others. We truly believe that our advocacy and capacity can be greatly enhanced by working together, not only across states and SAMHSA programs, but also across the entire spectrum of healthcare and human services advocacy.

820 East Park Ave. Suite F-100. Tallahassee, FL 32301

Phone: 850/224-4670

Toll Free: 855/CAFE-TAC (223-3822)

Fax: 850/224-4674
