The CAFE TA Center

Here's what's happening!

Back to School with Supported Education

As people all over the country return to their educations, it seems an appropriate time to ask what place there might be for individuals with behavioral health challenges in the world of post-secondary education. Getting an education has never been more important to having a successful career, and education can also be an important component of recovery. Individuals with behavioral health needs want to succeed professionally and thrive in their communities, and education is one key to making that happen. So what’s out there to help those people navigate post-secondary institutions and excel in them? The answer is supported education. …

Workforce Development: Consumer Organization Opportunities

The latest edition of The CAFE TA Center’s Focus newsletter examines the roles that consumer organizations can play in shaping the behavioral health workforce. Organizations have a multitude of opportunities to participate in and influence workforce development within the public and private mental health arenas. As the Affordable Care Act is rolled out, organizations will have to promote their presence as critical team members in adjusting and shaping a ready workforce. Potential roles, such as providing training, doing direct peer-based service, or acting as contractors through public programs. Check out Workforce Development: Consumer Organization Opportunities here!

The Role of Consumer Run Organizations in Helping Persons with Mental Health Needs in a Changing Health Care Environment

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act presents both challenges and opportunities for individual behavioral health consumers and consumer organizations alike. For individuals, there will be a challenge in identifying how their healthcare may change, and finding reliable answers to their questions about those changes. For consumer organizations, there will be a new role to play in helping their membership to navigate a changing system, and the opportunity to obtain funding as “Consumer Assistance Programs” funded through the ACA. As a resource for both individuals and organizations, The CAFE TA Center has produced a new Focus newsletter that provides a …

About The CAFE TA Center

The CAFÉ TA Center is a program of The Family Café, a cross-disability organization that has been connecting individuals with information, training and resources since 1998. The Center is supported by SAMHSA to operate one of its five national technical assistance centers; providing technical assistance, training, and resources that facilitate the restructuring of the mental health system through effective consumer directed approaches for adults with serious mental illnesses across the country.

We Exist to Help You

The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to providing quality training to consumers and advocates throughout the country. Consumers in the community need the right knowledge and tools to effectively organize, speak for themselves, and thrive in their daily lives. Thanks to the technology available, it has become relatively easy to connect with consumers and advocates and share resources without having to ask people to interrupt their daily routines by traveling to attend training.

Check Our Resource Bank

The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to connecting consumers, advocates and organizations with information and resources that can make a real difference for them, regardless of where they come from. That’s why we have created this section, to house those resources that partners, experts, peers and advocates and developed and chosen to share with others. We truly believe that our advocacy and capacity can be greatly enhanced by working together, not only across states and SAMHSA programs, but also across the entire spectrum of healthcare and human services advocacy.

820 East Park Ave. Suite F-100. Tallahassee, FL 32301

Phone: 850/224-4670

Toll Free: 855/CAFE-TAC (223-3822)

Fax: 850/224-4674
