The CAFE TA Center is pleased to present its newest online training, Emerging Adults on Governance Boards.
Many consumer operated organizations recognize the need to reach out to youth and emerging adults and to include them as part of the consumer movement. At the same time, it can be a challenge to identify youth participants, and to help them develop a meaningful role in a given organization.
One successful tactic to encourage emerging adult involvement is the inclusion of youth and emerging adults on organizational Boards. By including emerging adults, consumer organizations can make their commitment to welcoming a new generation of leaders clear, while also creating a meaningful role for those emerging adults that can help them to feel involved and empowered.
Emerging Adults on Governance Boards will examine why to include emerging adult consumers, how to identify and recruit them, and how to create a welcoming environment that will facilitate their participation.
Please note, in order to help us determine what you have learned, and how effective our training is, we have created both a Pre-Training and a Post-Training survey. Please help us out by completing the Pre-Training survey before you view Emerging Adults on Governance Boards. Then, after you view it, please come back and take our Post-Training survey . Doing so will help us to find out what you’ve learned, and whether or not our training is doing its job! Thanks!
The Pre-Training Survey can be found here.
The Post-Training Survey can be found here.
You can view the training itself by following the link below.