The CAFE TA Center
Here's what's happening!
A Focus on Voting
The CAFE TA Center is pleased to share the latest edition of the Focus 2.0 newsletter! This issue takes a look at how voting and civic engagement can be a part of life in the community for people in mental health recovery, and offers tips and resources on how to access the right to vote. You will also find details about a new SAMHSA resource on peer support in crisis care settings, an item on Recovery Month, and our regular Capacity Corner feature, which provides a useful strategic planning roadmap this time. Check out the latest Focus 2.0 newsletter here!
A Focus 2.0 on Mental Health and the Working World
Check out the latest edition of CAFE TAC’s Focus 2.0 newsletter! This edition is all about employment, with discussion of the barriers that people with mental health conditions face in finding and retaining meaningful work, and information about a new campaign from The Campaign for Disability Employment intended to address the challenge. We also share CAFE TAC’s two employment guides, and provide a chance for you to let us know about your workplace experience. The new Focus 2.0 also includes details about SAMHSA’s first-ever Recovery Innovation Challenge, which will make new funding available to bring peer-driven, recovery-based ideas to scale, …
Supporting Employees With Mental Health Conditions
Given the reality that 1 in 4 American adults will experience a mental health condition in a given year, accommodating and accounting for employees with mental health needs is something that no employer can avoid. In this new guide, Supporting Employees With Mental Health Conditions, CAFE TAC shares resources to help employers understand mental illness and develop best practices to support employees who may be experiencing mental health issues, whether they have chosen to disclose them or not. Whether you are an employer seeking out a healthier, more inclusive workforce or an individual with a mental health condition advocating for …
About The CAFE TA Center
The CAFÉ TA Center is a program of The Family Café, a cross-disability organization that has been connecting individuals with information, training and resources since 1998. The Center is supported by SAMHSA to operate one of its five national technical assistance centers; providing technical assistance, training, and resources that facilitate the restructuring of the mental health system through effective consumer directed approaches for adults with serious mental illnesses across the country.
We Exist to Help You
The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to providing quality training to consumers and advocates throughout the country. Consumers in the community need the right knowledge and tools to effectively organize, speak for themselves, and thrive in their daily lives. Thanks to the technology available, it has become relatively easy to connect with consumers and advocates and share resources without having to ask people to interrupt their daily routines by traveling to attend training.
Check Our Resource Bank
The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to connecting consumers, advocates and organizations with information and resources that can make a real difference for them, regardless of where they come from. That’s why we have created this section, to house those resources that partners, experts, peers and advocates and developed and chosen to share with others. We truly believe that our advocacy and capacity can be greatly enhanced by working together, not only across states and SAMHSA programs, but also across the entire spectrum of healthcare and human services advocacy.