The “Recovery Stories” Video Project

film-flyerAt the 2013 Alternatives conference in Austin, TX, The CAFE TA Center invited people with lived experience to share their thoughts on recovery. Dozens of people chose to participate, and offered their reflections on the recovery process, how the concept of recovery has changed their perspective on mental health, and what public policy makers and the general public need to understand about the concept of recovery.

The CAFE TAC has collected those conversations, and created a series of videos that tell the Recovery Stories of real people engaged in the process. They will be posted in bi-weekly installments throughout April and May of 2014.

Episode 1: What Does Recovery Mean for You?


Episode 2: The Road to Recovery


Episode 3: Recovery Through Peer Support


Episode 4: The Impact of Living in Recovery


Episode 5: The Medical Model & Resistance to Recovery


Episode 6: The Stigma of Mental Illness