CAFE TAC Presents: Emerging Adult Consumers of Mental Health Services

The CAFE TA Center is pleased to announce the publication of its newest white paper, Emerging Adult Consumers of Mental Health Services. Adolescence and early adulthood can be a challenging, formative time, even for people fortunate enough to have strong support systems. For youth with behavioral health needs, the challenges of moving from childhood to adulthood can be especially difficult.

Emerging Adult Consumers of Mental Health Services explores some of those challenges, by first defining what “emerging adults” means, then examining how the system of care forms their experiences and expectations, both as minors and as adults, and, most importantly, discussing how experienced adults in the mental health consumer movement can relate to young adults, bring them on board and help them become full-fledged consumer leaders.

Please check out Emerging Adult Consumers of Mental Health Services today! As always, your comments, questions and feedback are welcome!