The CAFÉ TA Center presented Destigmatizing Mental Health, Inside and Out: A Youth Perspective at 2 PM ET on Tuesday, March 30th.
A recording of this webinar is available here.
Youth leadership in mental health can take many forms, and there are endless paths to get there. In this webinar, one young leader, Sylvie Krause, shares her leadership story, explaining how she has confronted her own internal hesitancy to recognize her mental health needs, as well as the stigma that discourages people from openly discussing mental health in their communities, homes, and workplaces. Hear how Sylvie’s decision to work against mental health stigma has allowed her to align her priorities with her inner truth, and create positive change for others.
This webinar covers issues including:
- What keeps people from talking openly about mental health
- How stigma can look different in different communities
- How speaking up can promote healing and create space for others
Ultimately, attendees will leave with specific actions they can take to start conversations about mental health and spark change in their own world.