higher education

News, Notes, and a Major Funding Opportunity

SAMHSA has just released a funding opportunity announcement for the Statewide Consumer Network (SCN) grant program. The SCN is the SAMHSA grant program that supports statewide consumer mental health organizations in several states across the nation. The purpose of this program is to improve efforts to address the needs of adults with serious mental illness

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Focus 47: The Challenge of Higher Education for Mental Health Consumers—A First Hand Perspective

The benefits of educational attainment are clear and widely recognized. People with better educations have access to better jobs, and earn more over the course of their lives. They also develop careers, and benefit from the sense of purpose and direction that accompany a life of meaningful work. For people with mental health conditions, the

Focus 47: The Challenge of Higher Education for Mental Health Consumers—A First Hand Perspective Read More »

Supported Education: Examining the Evidence

Supported education is a simple idea that makes intuitive sense. Getting a college degree can be extremely beneficial, both personally and professionally. Higher education allows people the chance to explore their interests and fulfill their dreams, while also markedly improving their employment prospects for a lifetime. At the same time, people with mental health needs

Supported Education: Examining the Evidence Read More »