A Focus on SAMHSA’s New Strategic Plan

Like any organization, from the largest corporation to the smallest grassroots advocacy group, our nation’s lead agency for behavioral health, SAMHSA, has a strategic plan to guide it. After more than 1,400 public comments and months of refinement, the latest version of that plan, Leading Change 2.0: Advancing the Behavioral Health of the Nation 2015-2018

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SAMHSA “Introduction to Disaster Behavioral Health ” Webinar July 14th

The SAMHSA Disaster Technical Assistance Center (DTAC) will be presenting a webinar entitled Introduction to Disaster Behavioral Health on July 14th at 2:00 EDT. The goals of this webinar are to educate participants about the mental health, substance abuse, and stress management needs of people who have been exposed to human-caused, natural, or technological disasters.

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SAMHSA Releases Consumer-Operated Services Tool Kit

SAMHSA has just released the Consumer-Operated Services Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Kit. This free product provides tools for developing mental health services that are owned and operated by people who have personal experience living with a psychiatric disorder, and offers guidance grounded in evidence-based practices. The entire tool kit is available at no cost through SAMHSA.

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SAMHSA Launches new Website for Mental Health Parity and Addictions Equity Act

SAMHSA has just launched a new Mental Health Parity and Addictions Equity Act webpage that provides information on the impact of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 for States, providers, consumers and families. The new page is located at This site is a great source of information on the Mental

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