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The Power of Shared Decision Making and Peer Support in Recovery
In this presentation from The 18th Annual Family Cafe held this past June in Orlando, presenter Dana Foglesong discusses the role shared decision making can
Trauma and Individuals with Disabilities
This presentation from The 18th Annual Family Cafe this past June in Orlando explores the definition of trauma, and why everyone should be aware of
CAFE TAC News and Notes for August 25, 2016
September is almost here, and that means that Recovery Month is here again! Every September SAMHSA promotes National Recovery Month to bring national attention to
CAFE TAC News and Notes for August 11, 2016
In putting the CAFÉ TAC News and Notes email together, we look to a number of sources, including other SAMHSA grant programs and mental health
CAFE TAC News and Notes for July 27, 2016
This week marks the 26th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This landmark piece of legislation guaranteed that citizens with disabilities
CAFE TAC News and Notes for July 11, 2016
Last week was an eventful one, with the House of Representatives advancing HR 2646, the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act. This bill represents