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Managing Peer Support Employees Experiencing Mental Health Crisis
For any organization, recruiting, managing and retaining qualified professional staff is an essential part of doing business. For consumer mental health organizations, taking care of
Focus: Thirty Schools Recognized for Quality Mental Health Programming
It’s no secret that student mental health and suicide prevention have become major issues on college campuses across the country. While some institutions have made
A Focus on The Mental Health Workforce Crisis
As last year’s SAMHSA report to Congress on the nation’s substance abuse and mental health workforce noted, the demand for behavioral health services in the
Share Your Thoughts on Recovery through CAFE TAC’s Video Project at Alternatives 2013
The CAFE TA Center is inviting Alternatives 2013 attendees to take part in our new video project, “What Does Recovery Mean to You?” The idea
Focus: Behavioral Health Leads the Way in Changing the Accreditation Process
What is “accreditation” and why does it matter? “Accreditation” is the process whereby a health care provider obtains impartial, outside approval for the manner in
CAFE TAC Presents: Conflict Resolution: Challenging Organizational Change and Growth
As consumer organizations grow and change, they can experience internal conflict about the path they will take through that growth. Advocates within organizations can share