Focus newsletter

A Focus on The National Supported Education Database Survey

The latest edition of CAFE TAC’s Focus 2.0 newsletter is here! This time, we share some information on the ongoing National Supported Education Database survey that CAFE TAC is working on along with its partner national consumer and consumer-supporter TA centers. Not sure what supported education is or how it works? You can find a […]

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A Focus on Technology and Mental Health

The latest edition of CAFE TAC’s Focus 2.0 newsletter is here! This time, we take a look at how telehealth and smartphone apps are providing new ways to access mental health resources. What’s out there? What are the advantages of virtual mental health services? What are the barriers? What should you look for when considering

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A New Focus 2.0 Takes a Look at Cultural Health

The CAFE TA Center is excited to share the latest edition of our Focus 2.0 newsletter! This time we take a look at cultural health, mental health disparities, and building equity; invite you to share what you want employers to know about mental health in the workplace; preview our upcoming trainings on integrated care and family

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A New Focus 2.0 on Bringing Recovery to Mental Health Month

Check out the newest edition of the Focus 2.0 newsletter! This issue examines the role people with lived experience of mental health conditions can play in Mental Health Month, provides an updated on our most recent training activities, and introduces a new feature, “Capacity Corner,” where we take a look at some common leadership challenges

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Focus 47: The Challenge of Higher Education for Mental Health Consumers—A First Hand Perspective

The benefits of educational attainment are clear and widely recognized. People with better educations have access to better jobs, and earn more over the course of their lives. They also develop careers, and benefit from the sense of purpose and direction that accompany a life of meaningful work. For people with mental health conditions, the

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Focus 46: Passing the Torch: Sustainability and Leadership Transition

One of the greatest challenges that any small nonprofit can face is maintaining its focus and momentum through times of change. The grassroots consumer mental health organizations that house the voice of so many people with lived experience often come into existence as a result of the passion and vision of a committed, motivated leader.

Focus 46: Passing the Torch: Sustainability and Leadership Transition Read More »

Focus 45: Finding the Right Fit: What to Look For in a College or University

The demand for mental health services is at an all-time high, and colleges and universities are struggling to meet the need for support and counseling among their student bodies. The end result is a crisis not just among the students, who report extraordinarily high levels of depression and anxiety, but among institutions of higher education

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Supported Education: Examining the Evidence

Supported education is a simple idea that makes intuitive sense. Getting a college degree can be extremely beneficial, both personally and professionally. Higher education allows people the chance to explore their interests and fulfill their dreams, while also markedly improving their employment prospects for a lifetime. At the same time, people with mental health needs

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A Focus on Postvention: How Colleges and Universities Can React to Suicide Clusters

In the latest Focus newsletter, CAFE TAC examines the phenomenon of “suicide clusters” on college and university communities, and how they might be prevented. Students in higher education face a myriad of challenges and threats to their emotional wellness. That’s why many institutions make an effort to publicize their counseling services, and campaign against stigma

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