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A Focus on Depression in the Workplace
Recent surveys have determined that up to a quarter of American workers have experienced depression at some point, and nearly two-thirds have dealt with some
A Focus on Transition to Higher Education for Students with Mental Health Needs
For students with mental health needs, the transition to campus life can be a major challenge. Students must adjust to living independently, take on new
A Focus on SAMHSA’s New Strategic Plan
Like any organization, from the largest corporation to the smallest grassroots advocacy group, our nation’s lead agency for behavioral health, SAMHSA, has a strategic plan
A Focus on Supported Employment
People with behavioral health needs can and do participate in the labor force. With the right supports, they can succeed in the workplace, and enjoy
Watch a Keynote by Trauma Advocate Tonier “Neen” Cain
Trauma survivor and fearless advocate Tonier “Neen” Cain, subject of the award winning film “Healing Neen,” delivered a keynote address at The 16th Annual Family
Peers as Professionals: Workplace Success
The CAFE TA Center is pleased to present its newest online training, Peers as Professionals: Workplace Success. There are many challenges for people with lived experience