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News and Notes from The CAFE TA Center
In this edition of News and Notes, we’d like to call attention a recent article on mental health from an unlikely source, professional basketball player
News, Notes, and a Major Funding Opportunity
SAMHSA has just released a funding opportunity announcement for the Statewide Consumer Network (SCN) grant program. The SCN is the SAMHSA grant program that supports
News and Notes for January 31
This latest edition of the News & Notes email includes a number of items that highlight the value and complexity of peer support. They include
News and Notes for December 19
The end of the 2017 is almost here, and the holidays are upon us. This is a busy time for many people, with plenty of
Focus 47: The Challenge of Higher Education for Mental Health Consumers—A First Hand Perspective
The benefits of educational attainment are clear and widely recognized. People with better educations have access to better jobs, and earn more over the course
News and Notes for November 30, 2017
By now, hopefully, you have adjusted to the season’s shorter days, and the annual fall ritual of setting your clock back an hour. The sudden