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Peers as Professionals: Workplace Success
The CAFE TA Center is pleased to present its newest online training, Peers as Professionals: Workplace Success. There are many challenges for people with lived experience
Focus: A Policy Model for Campus Mental Health
On campuses across the country there is a growing consensus that the mental health of the student body must be a topic of open conversation.
Focus: Peers at the Center of New Approaches to Coordinated Care
It’s no secret that we live in an extraordinarily dynamic moment for behavioral health, and the healthcare system in general. Major changes to healthcare laws,
Recovery Stories – Episode 7: A Message to the Outside World
The CAFE TA Center is pleased to release the seventh and final video in its Recovery Stories series. In this segment, people with lived experience
Recovery Stories – Episode 6: The Stigma of Mental Illness
For people with a behavioral health diagnosis, the reality of stigma is all too familiar. They know from first hand experience how people react to
Make Your Voice Heard through Boards, Committees and Councils
One of the goals of the mental health consumer movement is to change the system. People with lived experience want a more compassionate system of