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Master Your Personal Narrative: Storytelling As A Leadership Tool
Many in the peer support and recovery community are familiar with the idea of sharing one’s story in a personal recovery context. But what else
A Focus 2.0 on Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Planning
The latest edition of the Focus 2.0 newsletter is here! This time we take a look at disaster preparedness. Natural disasters can be traumatizing experiences
CAFE TAC Presents: So You’re Ready to Work, Now What?
The CAFÉ TA Center invites you to participate in its new interactive employment training series, So You’re Ready to Work, Now What? The first session
A Focus on Voting
The CAFE TA Center is pleased to share the latest edition of the Focus 2.0 newsletter! This issue takes a look at how voting and
A Focus 2.0 on Mental Health and the Working World
Check out the latest edition of CAFE TAC’s Focus 2.0 newsletter! This edition is all about employment, with discussion of the barriers that people with
Supporting Employees With Mental Health Conditions
Given the reality that 1 in 4 American adults will experience a mental health condition in a given year, accommodating and accounting for employees with