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Conflict Resolution: Challenging Organizational Change and Growth
The CAFE TA Center is pleased to present its newest online training, Conflict Resolution: Challenging Organizational Change and Growth. As consumer organizations grow and change, they
A Focus on the Debate Over Community Care and Compulsory Treatment
One of the long-standing debates in the discussion about how to best meet the needs of people with serious mental illness centers around the issue
Video: Discover Health from Within
Discover Health From Within, which was presented in conjunction with The 15th Annual Family Cafe this June, is a training about expanding one’s perspective about
Video: Mental Health Roundtable
One of the best ways for people that are new to a situation to become educated about their options is to speak with someone that
Video: One Day At A Time: Surviving Bullying
In this session recorded at The 15th Annual Family Cafe this June, a 17-year-old recovering anorexic tells her story of how she faced and survived
Video: The Intersection Of Physical And Mental Health
Is there a relationship between physical and mental health? Can your regular doctor help you with mental or behavioral health questions? What should you look