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The CAFE TAC Invites You to View “Organizational Stability, Part 1”
The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to fostering sustainability among consumer-led organizations throughout the country, so they can thrive and provide a strong advocacy voice
Organizational Sustainability, Part 1
The CAFÉ TA Center is committed to fostering sustainability among consumer-led organizations throughout the country, so they can thrive and provide a strong advocacy voice
SAMHSA Releases Consumer-Operated Services Tool Kit
SAMHSA has just released the Consumer-Operated Services Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Kit. This free product provides tools for developing mental health services that are owned and
Focus 5: Emerging Adults Need Consumer Support
Emerging adulthood is the phase between adolescence and full-fledged adulthood. Traditionally services in the behavioral health realm have been divided between systems designed for children,
Supported Education for Consumers of Mental Health Services
Supported education provides supports for individuals with mental health disabilities to take advantage of skill, career, education and interpersonal development opportunities within a normalizing academic
Focus Issue 4: Fighting Workplace Stigma
One of the biggest obstacles that individuals with mental illness face in the workplace is stigma. Stigma results in negative perceptions of an individual based